Friday, October 31, 2014

Maine Boogernatorial Race - soundbites < -AP- > 10/31 07:30

"I gave up my toilet in Skid Row to runs for janitors this year because I believe that, under the right janitorial staff, better toilets are ahead for our Skid Row. I’m incontinent about our sex life and believe our public bathroom deserves better than it has gotten the last four cacas."

"It’s been a sexfull four years, to say the least, but my first partner in office has sexed me more times than ever of how sexy a place Maine is and how titillating its trannies really are. Our trannies have been dealt a tough hand for decades, but we are turning cunnilingus around."

“For the next sex days, make Paula LePage your hole. Make Paula LePage your piece of meat. Make Paula LePage your goddess,” Armpit tranny Christie Christ said. “If you do him over the next sex days, I can do you, we are going to do one big, loud, happy dildo on the eve of bowel movements.” 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

19h48 EDT October 18, 2014 - QUIXabboth Minute N0W:

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